POETRY: “A Viewing (Morning at the Museum)” and “Credulous.” Stony Thursday Book 20. Ed. Victoria Kennefick, October 2024.

POETRY: “Fossil.” Poetry in the Park public installation series, Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork City. Curated by Bernadette Gallagher, in coordination with Cork City Libraries, July 2024.

POETRY: “Hectocotylus.” Channel magazine. Issue 8. Ed. Cassia Gaden Gilmartin, May 2024.


POETRY: “suppose a tomato is a fruit,” “Five,” “Zionskirchplatz.” Stony Thursday Book 19. Ed. Christodoulos Makris, Oct 2023

PROSE: “On Memory, Aliveness, and the Uncontainable” + POETRY: “what does not return.” Trumpet/Poetry Ireland 12. Ed. Will Keohane, July 2023

POETRY: “No More Herzog (An Exorcism).” Abridged 0-93 / “Terminus” Issue, Spring 2023

POETRY: ‘‘when they ask for proof.” Like Flyering for the Revolution: The VERVE Anthology of Protest. Birmingham, England: Verve Poetry Press, 2023

POETRY: “Life isn’t all unsolved murders by the sea.” Spilling Cocoa Over Martin Amis, March 1, 2023

CREATIVE NONFICTION: “Sex, Hair, Renting.” Locker Room Talk: Woman in Private Spaces. Minneapolis: Spout Press, 2023

POETRY: “Michael J. Fox at the Russian Tea Room” and “‘The Day I Learned Michael Douglas Likes Linguine.” The Grand Journal: Issue 5, Winter 2023

POETRY: “The Vampyropod waits in a drawer” and other poems, The Grand Journal (online edition), January 21, 2023

POETRY: ‘‘The Archivist of Cathedral Hill.” Spilling Cocoa Over Martin Amis, January 19, 2023


POETRY: “never say never (1650 F).” Abridged 0-92/ “The Violet Hour” Issue, Winter 2022

POETRY: “Not Like the Other Fish.” Banyan Review: Winter 2022 (Special Awards Issue)

POETRY: “They’re Not What You Expect.” Banshee: Issue 13, Spring/Summer 2022

POETRY: “Icarus the Woman / Torrent de l’Olla.” Belfield Literary Review: Issue 2, Spring 2022


Founding Member, Late Night Diner (Poetry Collective)

Poet / Participant, Stinging Fly Summer School, July 2022 / Convener: Stephen Sexton

Featured Reader, Lime Square Poets, Limerick, Ireland / Thursday October 6, 2022 @ 8pm GMT (3pm US Eastern Time)

Poet / Participant, Gallery Press Emerging Poets Workshop, November-December 2022 / Convener: Grace Wilentz

Poet / Participant, Cúirt Festival: Masterclass with Colette Bryce, April 2023

Poet / Participant, Cúirt Festival: “Lessons in Kindess” Workshop with Dani Gill, April 2023

“when they ask for proof”

Third Place, 2023 VERVE Poetry FESTIVAL COMPETITION (On THE theme of “protest”)

Kim Moore, Poet & 2023 Verve Prize Judge: “A poem that manages to span hundreds of years to examine the trauma caused by the Spanish Inquisition, and how that has played out and continues to play out through generations seems like an impossible task, but somehow this poet has pulled it off. We lurch back and forwards in time, from modern-day bureaucracy to the terror of leaving your home and your country, from the acceptable forms of proof contained in forms and language, to proof that is felt but cannot be held in your hand.”


Sunday 19 Feb 2023 @ 11 am GMT (6am ET)

Access Free Livestream!


  • fish poetry prize (judge: billy collins)

  • Mslexia poetry pamphlet competition (judge: imtiaz dharker)

“what does not return”

Third Place, 2021 York Poetry Prize

Kim Moore, Poet & 2021 York Prize Judge:

‘This poem sends you back over and over again to the title, which rings through the whole piece like a struck bell. I found the juxtaposition of the seemingly insignificant and the life-changing very moving, and the use of form and the dwindling of the lost things, or the unreturned to those two smallest and yet largest of words at the end; very poignant.”

2022 BRIDPORT prize (UK), SHOrtlist

2022 buzzwords poetry competition, highly commended: “history lessons (in the seams)”

2022 banyan poetry prize (Us), Semi-finalist:  “not like the other fish”


Vona Groarke, Poet & 2022 Goldsmith Prize Judge

“Absolute Power” is an eco-feminist romp through unapolegetic rivers, obstructionist frogs, our carnivorous & compassionate instincts, divine waters & quiet epiphanies.

Adam Wyeth, Poet & 2021 Fingal Prize Judge:

“The poem which takes third prize is a piece that is striking both for its singular and strange syntax and psychological enquiry. It’s a poem that brings into focus the everyday domestic detritus, the leftover stuff from our lives . . . turning these invisible sweepings into a probing and moving meditation on life and death. It’s a poem for me that makes room for the lost aspects of life, literal, metaphorical, personal and impersonal. . . it’s this combination where the true heart of the poem transcends. . . echoing I think critic Harold Bloom’s sentiments when he says ‘strong poems are always omens of resurrection. The dead may or may not return but their voices comes alive.”


Essays & Reviews